Thursday, May 26, 2011

bon voyage

The day is growing near that I will return to the beautiful land of Europa with my dear amiga, Lizzie. We survived living in a closet for 3 months in Barcelona, so hopefully we can rough it again with our lives on our backs. In order to prolong our entry into the job market and real world, we will embark on a 6 week adventure galavanting through Europe on Eurail. We hope our trip is filled with spontaneous stops but we do have a rough route that we plan to travel. Even after visiting Europe a few times, I still struggle with the endless places and opportunities to visit. I may have to follow the steps of my Uncle Tom and find a cucumber farm to work in order to prolong my trip.

I hope to keep this blog updated as much as possible hopefully with pictures. So stay tuned as you all sit at your office desks, I hope this can be your gateway to vicariously live through our lives before we have to buckle down and join you in the real world.

Follow Lizzie's blog: here.

First stop: Madrid.